‡What are tone tags?
Tone tags are tags you can end your tweet or statement with to indicate what the tone is,it simplifies the meaning behind your statement and makes it lenient for others to understand.
‡Why should we use them?
Some people have difficulty reading tones behind statements. tagging what tone you are using can be helpful to avoid miscommunications,it helps them feel included and in some cases makes them feel valid also.
‡A list of Tone tags you can use:-
They're maybe some Repeatations.
/j = joking
/hj = half joking =
/s = sarcastic =
/srs = serious /p = platonic
/r = romantic =
lonely = lyrics
/t = teasing
/nm = not actually mad or upset
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/pc or /pos= positive connotation
/lh = lighthearted
/nbh = nobody here (for when your
vauging someone in a vent)
/m = metaphorically
/li = literally
lij = inside joke
/rh or /rt = rhetorical question
/gen = genuine question
/hyp = hyperbole
/c = copypasta =
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/nsx or /nx non-sexual intent
/th = threat
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake
/g = genuine
/nbh = nobody here (for when you're vaguing someone in a vent)
/m = metaphorically
/li = literally
/ij = inside joke
/rh or /rt = rhetorical question
/gen = genuine
/hyp = hyperbole
/c = copypasta
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake
‡How to use them:-
Explanations and examples of the afore given tone tags
/j = joking
used after saying something in a joking manner
example: "I am the president of twitter /j"
/hj = half joking
used after saying something that is kind of a joke but kind of serious
example: "well I am usually right /hj"
/s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm
"sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say"
example: "I really love feeling sad /sarc"
/srs = serious
used when saying something you really mean
example: "I really appreciate you /srs"
/lh = lighthearted
used when saying something "free from care, or seriousness"
example: "hey leave me out of this mess /lh"
/ij = inside joke
"a joke that is shared exclusively by a small group of people"
example: "you going to go swimming in pencils anytime soon? /ij"
/t = teasing
"intended to provoke or make fun of someone in a playful way"
example: "ok sure mr 'idk what I'm doing' /t"
/nm = not mad
used to indicate you are not actually mad or upset about something
example: "ouch I really related there /nm"
/nbh = nobody here
used when tweeting something vague to assure people it is not indirectly at them
example: "ugh sometimes people just say things that make me so upset /nbh"
/g or /gen = genuine / genuine question
used when saying or asking something for real
example: "I'm proud of you /g" or "wait how do y'all even know me? /gen"
/th = threat
"an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage"
example: "if you don't stop I will block you /th"
I wouldn't recommend threatening anyone ever but I'm including this tag anyway because I want people to be aware of the tags
/cb = clickbait
"(on the internet) content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page"
example: "look at this unbelievable life changing tiny house /cb"
/f = fake
used when saying or referring to something not real
example: "look at this unicorn /f"
/q = quote
used when quoting something or someone
example: "oh yes the past can hurt but the way I see it you can either run from it or you can learn from it /q"
I would recommend just putting quotes in quotation marks and saying who said it afterwards but that's just me
/l or /ly = lyrics
used when quoting specifically song lyrics
example: "I say the wrong shit at the right times /ly"
again I recommend putting the lyric in quotation marks and then saying what song it is afterward but still that's just my preference
/c = copypasta
"a block of text which is copied and pasted across the internet"
example: "[idols name] do your shoes need shining? [idols name] [idols name] please Do you need coffee? Come back PLEASE Dont go away from me [idols name] please"
/m = metaphor / metaphorically
"a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance"
example: "he is a shining star /m" - he is not actually a star. he is being compared to one.
/li = literal / literally
"following the words of the original very closely and exactly"
example: "grass is green /li"
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
"a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer"
example: "can fish swim /rt" or "who cares? /rh"
/hyp = hyperbole
"exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally"
example: "I have a million things to do today /hyp" - I do not actually have to do one million things today. I was just meaning I have a lot of things to do today.
/p = platonic
a friendship type of love, care, intimacy, etc
example: "I love you /p"
/r = romantic
a more than friendship type of love, care, intimacy, etc - typically of partners
example: "I love you /r"
/sx or /x = sexual intent
meaning something in a sexual way
/nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent
meaning something not in a sexual way
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
example: "oh my goodness I'm going to cry /pos" - implies I'm crying for a happy reason
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
example: "oh my goodness I'm going to cry /neg" - implies I'm crying for an upsetting reason
I hope this page was helpful enough for you to understand and wish that I was able to encourage you to use them in text conversations to avoid miscommunication.